With great sustain and a clear balanced tone, these strings bring out the warm richness of your ukulele. They also have a soft, almost rubbery feel, so they are a great choice for those who have sensitive fingertips. They are also a good string to try if you have arthritis or joint issues. They allow for a very soft touch and a less harsh feel. In return you will get a rich, buttery, smooth tone out of your ukulele.
This listing is for one set of strings installed on your ukulele. The installation service is just $3 more than the string set, and personally I think it is well worth it because I will set your uke up for the strings that you want! I will install the strings that coincide with the size of your purchased ukulele!
-Precise Intonation
-Clear Balanced Tone
-Exceptional Sustain and Projection
Soprano M605
A- 1 .0220 inch 0.56mm
E- 2 .0275 inch 0.70mm
C- 3 .0310 inch 0.79mm
G- 4 .0228 inch 0.58mm
Concert M610
A- 1 .0228 inch 0.58mm
E- 2 .0287 inch 0.73mm
C- 3 .0318 inch 0.81mm
G- 4 .0237 inch 0.60mm
Tenor M625
A- 1 .0236 inch 0.60mm
E- 2 .0295 inch 0.75mm
C- 3 .0326 inch 0.83mm
G- 4 .0244 inch 0.62mm
DISCLAIMER: I do not like 'talking strings' because strings are SUBJECTIVE! Please do not ask me which strings are best, I will answer, "Whatever strings you think are best." Your personal fingertips, ears, and preferences may be different than mine and that is OK. If you ask the internet for opinions, you will get hundreds. Strings are a cheap and easy thing to try on your ukulele to see if you like the feel and tone. The above information is my observations and opinion. If yours is otherwise after using these strings, please do not subject me to lengthy messages. I love you guys, I do... but ain't nobody got time for that!